PV solar newsletter #1





Thank you for your interest in Local Power.  This is our first email update and we promise we won't overburden your inbox with too many email messages.

Going solar (the basics for new comers to the idea)
PV Solar panels installed on your roof will allow you to generate green electricity and reduce your greenhouse gas emissions and over time will pay for itself.  A PV Solar system consists of a number of solar panels on your roof, cabling, and an inverter (which converts the DC electricity which the panels generate to AC which your lights and appliances can use).  The inverter is then wired into your circuit breaker box which powers your home.  An additional electricity meter is also installed to measure how much electricity is being "exported" to the grid, which you get paid for, if you are not using it at the time.  At night you continue to purchase electricity from the grid as normal.  In rural areas where there is no grid, people also have batteries which store the electricity allowing it to be used at night.  Batteries significantly increase the cost of the solar system and also need to be replaced after a number of years.

Advantages of a buying group
As you know, Local Power’s first project is a PV Solar buying group, so that we can  save money through bulk buying.  In the case of PV Solar there are several areas of savings for the installation companies which can then be passed on to the customers.  Firstly they can buy the panels in bulk from the manufacturers.  Secondly they can spend less money on sales and marketing.  Thirdly by installing the systems locally on a suburb by suburb basis, their installers and electricians can greatly reduce travel time and work together more effectively to efficiently install the PV systems on a number of nearby homes at one time.

Where are we up to?
We have been very busy since we launched our website in mid-June.  After starting with emailing friends and family, we also began letterbox dropping the West End (4101) area.  After issuing a media release about the project, 612 ABC radio picked up the story and interviewed one of our founders and in the same week we had positive coverage in the City South News.  Many of you signed up to our website on that week.  Welcome! 

We are all volunteers and are working in our spare time as quickly as we can to get this initiative up and running.  We are continuing the letterbox drop campaign in the West End area.  We still rely heavily on word of mouth to get the word out and would welcome your help.  Please talk with your family, friends, neighbours and colleagues about your interest in solar power generation.  For those of you who like to walk in your neighborhood outside of 4101, Local Power is happy to provide some fliers you can distribute in your suburb (while stocks last).  A couple of people, after seeking permission, emailed all the people in their workplace to get the word out, which also generated a lot of registrations of interest for us.  Thanks!

What's next?
We expect to have our target of 500 people signed up to the Local Power website by the end of August or before if current trends continue (your assistance can help achieve this goal!) We can then get an indicative saving and price for the various sized systems from several suppliers based on the number of people interested.  The actual price for your specific home may vary as different types of roof and length of cables to the inverter, switchbox, meters etc., can change the price of materials and labour.

By that time we also plan to have a public meeting, for anyone interested in attending, to outline how PV solar electricity works, the buying group process going forward as we see it, and also to answer any questions which may arise as a result of that meeting.  Soon after that, we will then call for a formal "expression of interest" where we can confirm your street address, size of the system you would like etc.  In some cases the suppliers may need to do a site inspection to ensure you will have enough room on your northern roof, not have too much shading etc..

If you have any questions, please email us and we will try and answer them individually the best we can, but we will also develop an FAQ (Frequently asked questions) section on the website.  Unfortunately we can't speak to you all on the phone to answer your questions at this time, due to the volume of interest.

We look forward to working with you and perhaps meeting you at the public meeting, where you will also be able to meet with others like yourselves making a positive difference in helping the environment for ourselves and future generations.

That's all for now.  Thanks again for your interest and support.

The Local Power team

email - info@localpower.net.au

web - http://localpower.net.au


This site was last updated 30/07/07