PV solar newsletter #4







Thank you for your interest in Local Power.  Welcome to all the people who have registered on our website since newsletter #3, back in September.  You can find a copy of all our newsletters on our website on the “what’s new” page at http://localpower.net.au/whatsnew.htm

The Buying Group offer
After 6 months of negotiating with suppliers and installers, talks with government bodies, copious research and more than a few headaches, Local Power is pleased to present the following offer to potential Buying Group members. We are grateful for the patience and assistance of all those who share our vision of a clean, green South-East.

You can read all the prices, details, options, terms and conditions about the PV solar buying group offer, and the steps of the process at http://localpower.net.au/buyinggroup.htm

The pricing we have negotiated, starting at under $2000 for a 1kW system fully installed after PVRP rebates and REC* incentives, is significantly better than other commercially offered PV pricing we have seen.  (typically costing $4500+ for 1kW to $14,000+ for 2kW after PVRP and RECs).  We hope you will agree that despite the delay in getting here, it’s been worth the wait.

Public meeting
Local Power will be holding a public meeting on Saturday 2nd February at 3pm in South Brisbane.  At the meeting we will explain the Buying Group process and answer any outstanding questions which you may have which aren't covered on the website or by asking us by email or phone beforehand.   It is not compulsory to attend the meeting to participate in the buying group. You can read about the meeting details on this webpage and if you wish to attend please rsvp online so we can make appropriate arrangements.  http://localpower.net.au/publicmeeting.htm

The buying group will close on February 15th 2008, unless we need to close it early if we are overwhelmed with interest.  Please don’t wait until February to signup as that will put additional pressure on Local Power to process all the applications.  There is an incentive to register early in that you will be closer to the start of the installation queue for your postcode as well as not missing out if we need to close it early.

Visit http://localpower.net.au/postcodes.htm  to see the areas of south east Queensland that have caught the Local Power vision.  As people sign up to the buying group, we will update this page to show you how we are tracking to have our minimum of 50 homes overall, as well as which postcodes have reached the minimum number of 10 homes. 

In the 3 months from June to September 2007, Queensland grid connected homes with PV solar jumped from 342 to 446, which was a massive increase primarily due to the increased PVRP rebate announced in May of up to $8000 per home.  If you are interested in the national stats and off-grid connection too, you can read more detail here: http://www.greenhouse.gov.au/renewable/pv/pubs/installedbystate-sept07.xls

How to participate in the Buying Group
We hope you will join with us in going solar to meet our energy needs.  Please read carefully the details of the offer, work through the checklist, signup online, pay your deposit and send through the required supporting documentation as outlined here http://localpower.net.au/buyinggroup.htm

If you have any questions regarding the offer or Buying Group process, please email them to info@localpower.net.au (which our preferred contact method) and we will answer them as soon as we can.  We will also have an answering service, where you can leave a message for us by phone and we will call you back.  Contact details can be found on this webpage http://localpower.net.au/contact.htm

Please continue to tell your family, friends, neighbours and colleagues about the Local Power Buying Group.  This has been the most effective way to get the word out.  Local Power still has some flyers available which you can distribute in your suburb by letterbox drop (while stocks last).

That's all for now.  Thanks again for your interest and support.  We look forward to you participating with us in the Buying Group and helping to get the word out in your suburb.  Remember the buying group will close on February 15th 2008, unless we need to close it early.

The Local Power team
email - info@localpower.net.au
web - http://localpower.net.au 

*  Prices quoted are at today’s REC incentive prices.  Local Power does not know what future REC prices will be.


This site was last updated 08/01/08