PV solar newsletter #6






Thank you for your interest in Local Power. Here is a quick update:

The Buying Group offer
We are pleased to report that 37 people have already signed up! Thanks for your support and helping us by getting in early. We have emailed receipts for internet transfer deposits and will do likewise for cheque deposits next week after school is back.

You can see the postcodes of interest and signups so far at http://localpower.net.au/postcodes.htm

Media coverage
Local Power was very fortunate this week to be featured prominently again on p3 in City South News - http://www.questnews.com.au/article/2008/01/24/24078_southern_news.html

Local Power in the streets
Thanks to a Dutton Park Ward livability grant, one of the Local Power members now has Local Power sign-writing on their van, promoting the vision. Keep an eye out for it and give him a wave in 4101!

3kW systems
Several people have asked about 3kW systems allowing them to export more electricity to the grid. Local Power has managed to put together pricing for these which you can find on our website. The options calculator and signup pages have also been updated with this information.

Public meeting
87 people have already rsvp’d to the Local Power public meeting on Saturday 2nd February at 3pm in South Brisbane. It is not compulsory to attend the meeting to participate in the buying group, but if you are coming please rsvp via the webpage.

The buying group will close on February 15th 2008, unless we need to close it early if we are overwhelmed with interest. Please don’t wait until February to sign up as that will put additional pressure on Local Power to process all the applications. At the current rate of signups, we are likely to exceed 50 and get closer to 100, where we will need to close the buying group early.

How to participate in the Buying Group
We hope you will join with us in going solar to meet our energy needs. Please read carefully the details of the offer, work through the checklist, signup online, pay your deposit and send through the required supporting documentation as outlined here http://localpower.net.au/buyinggroup.htm

We have continued to add to the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page, linked from the left menu on the buying group page, based on the emails we have received so far. Please read that before emailing us your questions as it will hopefully answer many of the questions you may have.

If you have any other questions regarding the offer or Buying Group process, please email them to info@localpower.net.au (which is our preferred contact method) and we will answer them as soon as we can. We will also have an answering service, where you can leave a message for us by phone and we will call you back.

Please continue to tell your family, friends, neighbours and colleagues about the Local Power Buying Group. This has been the most effective way to get the word out. Local Power still has some flyers available which you can distribute in your suburb by letterbox drop (while stocks last).

The Local Power team
email - info@localpower.net.au
web - http://localpower.net.au 


This site was last updated 25/01/08